In this article, we'll guide you through the process of constructing a yield curve indicator using TradingView's Pine Script. Also, you will discover the importance of monitoring the yield curve as a trader or investor. By the end of this guide, you will be able to::
Set up a real-time yield curve indicator on your TradingView charts
Interpret the yield curve movements and their potential impact on the financial markets
Enhance your market analysis and decision-making with historical insights into yield curve inversions and their correlation with economic cycles
Understanding the yield curve is a critical aspect of financial analysis, as it provides valuable insights into market sentiments and potential economic shifts. For traders and investors looking to keep a close eye on the yield curve, TradingView offers powerful tools to create custom indicators, including one for monitoring the spread between the 2-year and 10-year Treasury yields. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to set up a yield curve indicator in TradingView.
Step 1: Access Pine Script Editor
First, log in to your TradingView account and open the charting interface. At the bottom of the screen, you'll find the "Pine Editor" tab. This is where you can create and edit custom scripts in Pine Script, TradingView's native scripting language for indicators and strategies.
Step 2: Write the Yield Curve Indicator Script
You don't need to be a seasoned programmer to write a simple script. Here's a basic Pine Script that plots the yield spread between the 10-year (US10Y) and 2-year (US02Y) Treasury yields:
indicator("Historical 2yr-10yr Yield Spread", overlay=false)
// Input for the 2-year and 10-year Treasury yield symbols
twoYearSymbol = "US02Y" // 2-year Treasury yield symbol
tenYearSymbol = "US10Y" // 10-year Treasury yield symbol
// Function to get yield data
getYield(symbol) =>, "D", close)
// Retrieve the 2-year and 10-year yields
twoYearYield = getYield(twoYearSymbol)
tenYearYield = getYield(tenYearSymbol)
// Calculate the spread
yieldSpread = tenYearYield - twoYearYield
// Plot the spread
plot(yieldSpread, title="2yr-10yr Yield Spread",
// Optionally, add a horizontal line at 0 to indicate inversion
hline(0, "Zero Line",
Copy and paste this script into the Pine Editor.
Step 3: Add the Indicator to Your Chart
After pasting the script, click the "Add to Chart" button located at the top of the Pine Editor panel. The yield spread indicator will now appear on your chart, providing a visual representation of the difference between the 10-year and 2-year Treasury yields over time. You can plot it against SPX chart as shown below.
SPX and Yield Curve

Step 4: Interpret the Indicator
A positive value on the indicator suggests a normal yield curve, indicative of a healthy economic outlook where long-term debt instruments carry a higher yield than short-term debt instruments. This is typically reflective of investor confidence, as they require more return for the increased risk of lending money over a longer period.
Conversely, a negative value signifies an inverted yield curve, a scenario where short-term yields exceed long-term yields. Historically, an inverted yield curve has been viewed by many economists and market strategists as a predictor of economic recession. The logic behind this is that it signals a lack of confidence in the near-term economy, with investors expecting lower yields in the future and thus demanding more yield for short-term instruments.
The yield curve has been inverted for over a year now, which has raised eyebrows among market participants. This prolonged inversion is particularly noteworthy because it has preceded every major recession in the past 50 years. Recently, however, there has been a noticeable steepening, suggesting that the market's outlook on economic growth and inflation may be shifting.
Looking back, we've seen similar patterns unfold with significant consequences for the stock market. For instance, a persistent inverted yield curve led to a -20% drop in the S&P 500 (SPX) in 1990. More severe impacts were observed during the market crashes of 2000-2003, following the dot-com bubble, and in 2007-2008, during the global financial crisis. In both cases, the inversion of the yield curve served as an early warning sign of the turbulent times that lay ahead.
While the yield curve is just one of many tools used to gauge market health, its historical track record merits attention. Traders and investors should consider the implications of these yield curve movements and remain vigilant, as past patterns suggest that significant market adjustments can follow such inversions.
It's important to note, however, that while the inverted yield curve is a significant indicator, it is not infallible. Economic contexts change, and no single indicator should be used in isolation. The yield curve should be considered alongside a broad range of economic data points and market indicators when formulating investment strategies.
Step 5: Customize the Indicator (Optional)
TradingView's Pine Script is highly customizable. You can adjust the colors, line styles, and even the calculation method by editing the script. For instance, if you want to change the color of the yield spread line to red, simply replace with in the plot function.
Setting up a yield curve indicator in TradingView is a straightforward process that can greatly enhance your market analysis toolkit. By following these steps, you can keep an eye on this crucial economic indicator and make more informed trading decisions.
Remember, while indicators are valuable tools, they should be used as part of a comprehensive trading strategy that considers multiple factors and sources of information. Happy trading!